Corporate - Human Resources

Human Resources

Job Application/ Basic Principles

With our employment process in Bülent Cliche & Graphic Industry and Trade Inc.Co. we aim to access the candidate fitting our corporate culture with the qualifications required for the position.

In this context we define our employee profile as expert, highly motivated in their company and field, self-developing, open to learning and willing to add value. We see our employees as the most valuable resources we have in line with our vision to protect and improve upon our position with our mission of adopting developments worldwide rapidly and shaping the future of the sector with superior product quality and “Perfect Service” principle.


Internship Application;
As Bülent Cliche & Graphic Industry and Trade Inc.Co., we provide internship to high school, college and university students within the scope of the Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law #5510. We aim to support the development of interns, preparing them to working life, while scanning potential human resources for our company for the future.

Our main goal during internship process is to provide an opportunity to witness corporate working environment to students and to make sure they can take the first step into that environment soundly while contributing to the development of their working discipline.

We aim to create part time or full time employment opportunities to a certain amount of successful interns every year. Students who wish to apply for internship can place their application through our general application announcement.